
Judith Castrogiovanni

Mrs. Judith Castrogiovanni
Jefferson Elementary Principal


Dear Jefferson Families,
The winter months are a wonderful time to update goals and focus on academic progress.  A great online resource to utilize as you extend your child’s reading skills into the home and the community is Reading Rockets.  As their site points out:
A child's success as a reader begins much earlier than the first day of school. Reading, and a love for reading, begins at home.
We know how busy parents are! That's why we've put together five sets of tips that offer easy ways for parents to help kids become successful readers. To see the tips, just click on one of the photos on our site .
This section of the Reading Rockets: Launching Young Readers website is called "Parent Tips," but the tips are actually for anyone who cares about kids – grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers, neighbors, and friends. So print out the tips and hang them on your refrigerator. Try a new one each week. Or even pass them along to others.
It may surprise you how easy some of these are to do. Especially with young children, the main goal is to develop a lifelong love of learning, reading, and books. You could think of your home as a launch pad for young readers and these tips as the fuel to send them off into a bright future!”
You can count on the Jefferson team to support your child’s growth each and every school day.  We appreciate your important role in their reading lives. Enjoy a cozy winter curled up with some great books!
Your partner in education,
Judy Castrogiovanni
Jefferson Elementary Principal

Jefferson Elementary Office Staff